
about This initiative

Implementation of Ontario’s Clean Water Act is underway. Studies to assess threats are being conducted and, as assessment reports are made available, new information is becoming available to community members about specific threats to their source water. It is also becoming possible to identify intake protection zones within urban areas.

While a great deal of outreach related to the Clean Water Act has been undertaken, much of it has targeted agricultural and rural communities and large businesses. Less work has been done to reach smaller businesses and residences, particularly in urban settings.

This project is being piloted in four Ontario communities – Cambellford, Belleville, Deseronto and Burlington – to help residents and businesses better understand what best management practices they can take to protect intake protection zones and ensure source water protection. These four communities have been chosen because they encompass intake protection zones and include residential communities and small businesses.

This initiative is a partnership between:

Learn more about the project's Advisory Committee members

Email Carolyn (CIELAP) with any questions or comments about this project and its work.

This initiative has been achieved thanks to funding support from the Ontario Ministry of the Environment.