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CIELAP's Knowledge Cluster meetings:

Waste Incineration
May 25 2006, 5:30 – 7:00 pm

To view summary notes from the meeting click here

CIELAP is currently conducting research into waste incineration. Waste management is critical for the health and safety of Canadians and the protection of the environment. The debate about the incineration of hazardous and municipal solid wastes in Canada has long been intense and polarized. CIELAP plans to: analyze the arguments for and against incineration; review new and emerging incineration technologies and their use in different jurisdictions internationally; and provide recommendations as to whether or not current incineration technology is safe or appropriate to consider in addressing Canada’s waste problems. Maureen Carter-Whitney, CIELAP Research Director, will lead this session and seek input on the project from participants.

Please RSVP Carolyn at cielap@cielap.org or 416-923-3529 ext.26 if you are planning to attend. This meeting will be held at the CIELAP office - 130 Spadina Ave. Suite 305.

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