CIELAP's Knowledge Cluster meetings:
Gaps and Inconsistencies: Ontario’s Greenbelt Act & Places to Grow Act
March 30 2006, 5:30 – 7:00 pm
To view summary notes from the meeting click here
CIELAP is looking to undertake an analysis of gaps and inconsistencies between Ontario's new Greenbelt Act and Places to Grow Act, as well as other planning legislation and policies including the Niagara Escarpment Planning and Development Act, the Oak Ridges Moraine Conservation Act, the Planning Act and the 2005 Provincial Policy Statement. This analysis will include clarifying which plans and policies take precedence over others, and what this means for environmental protection. Maureen Carter-Whitney, CIELAP Research Director, will lead this session and will invite participants to give their input on this initiative.
Please RSVP Carolyn at or 416-923-3529 ext.26 if you are planning to attend. This meeting will be held at the CIELAP office - 130 Spadina Ave. Suite 305.
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