CIELAP's Knowledge Cluster meetings:
Engaging Canadians in the Biotechnology Debate
February 23 2006, 5:30 - 7:00 pm
To view summary notes from the meeting click here
The rapid development of new biotechnologies has been widely debated; Canadians are polarized over the issue. Stated government policy is to position Canada as a responsible world leader in biotechnology. But how do we go about doing this? Anne Mitchell, CIELAP Executive Director, will review some of CIELAP's work in this area and encourage participants to identify some of the key policy gaps and potential new research projects for CIELAP.
Participants may want to read CIELAP's Citizens' Guide to Biotechnology - available on our website or in hard copy from our office.
Please RSVP Carolyn at or 416-923-3529 ext.26 if you are planning to attend. this meeting will be held at the CIELAP office - 130 Spadina Ave. Suite 305.
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