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Publication Centre:

Archives: Water Quality and Quanitiy

The following publications are not available electronically. Please contact CELA to view the paper in the CELA library.

Walkerton: What Have We Learned? A Special Excerpt from Ontario’s Environment and the Common Sense Revolution

Protecting the Great Lakes Basin Ecosystem: A survey of local initiatives by Conservation authorities and municipalities in Ontario
April 2000

Ontario’s Environment and the “Common Sense Revolution” A Fourth Year Report
April 1999

Ontario’s Environment and the “Common Sense Revolution” A Fourth Year Report - INTERIM
April 1999

Troubled Waters? A Review of the Performance of the Governments of Canada and Ontario under the 1994 Canada-Ontario Agreement Respecting the Great Lakes Basin Ecosystem
March 1999

A Submission to the Toronto Citizen Hearing on Great Lakes–St Lawrence River Waster Pollution
September 1998

Ontario's Environment and the "Common Sense Revolution": A Third Year Report
June 1998

Ontario’s Environment and the “Common Sense Revolution” A Second Year Report
July 1997

Briefing to the Standing Committee on Resources Development on Bill 107: The Water and Sewerage Services Improvements Act, 1997 (Brief 97/2)
April 1997

Ontario's Environment and the "Common Sense Revolution": A First Year Report
June 1996

The “Common Sense Revolution” and Ontario’s Environment: An Interim Report
April 1996

Great Lakes Pollution Prevention Bibliography
September 1994

Pollution Prevention Resource Bibliography: A Reference Manual to Support Pollution Prevention Activities in the Great Lakes Basin
October 1993

Comments on Pollution Prevention Strategic Framework For Canada: Draft Discussion Paper
May 1993

Developing Options for Technology-Based Standards for the Pulp and Paper Sector in the Great Lakes Basin
March 1992

Pollution Prevention in the Great Lakes: A Survey of Current Efforts and an Agenda for Reform (Draft)
April 1991

A Prescription for Healthy Great Lakes
February 1991

Developing Options for Technology-Based Standards for the Petroleum Refining Sector in the Great Lakes Basin
January 1991

A Review and Analysis of Ontario's Municipal/Industrial Strategy for Abatement (MISA): Going to BAT for Water Quality in Ontario

Pollution Prevention in the Great Lakes: The Need, the Current Status and Recommendations for Change
December 1990

Turning off the Tap: Water Conservation Law in Ontario
July 1990

The Polluting on Lake Ontario: Regulation Efforts on Both Shores
August 1989

An Overview of the Regulatory Frameworks Governing Municipal Drinking Water, Bottled Water and Home Treatment Devices in Ontario
March 1989

Eliminating Toxic Substances from the Great Lakes Ecosystem
July 1988

Zero Discharge: A Strategy for the Regulation of Toxic Substances In the Great Lakes Ecosystem
July 1988

Protecting the Great Lakes Basin: A Citizen's Guide to Cross-Border Litigation

Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement Public Meetings: Public Meeting on the Review of the 1978 Great lakes Water Quality Agreement
December 1987

Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement Public Meetings: Discussion Paper on Proposed Improvements to the Canada-United States Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement of 1978
September 1987

Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement Public Meetings: The Proposed 1987 Annex to the Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement of 1978
September 1987

Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement Public Meetings: Summary of Discussion at the Workshop on the Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement (July 16 & 17, 1987)
July 1987

Eliminating Toxic Substances from the Great Lakes Ecosystem
June 1987

Toronto Area Waters: Current Status Prospects for Rehabilitation (a one-day symposium May 21, 1987) - Proceedings and Background Papers
May 1987

Pollution and the Law
February 1987

Cross-border Litigation: Environmental Rights in the Great Lakes Ecosystem

Fish Habitat Protection: A Study of Section 31 of the Fisheries Act
August 1986

Cross-border Litigation and the Protection of the Great Lakes Ecosystem (Summary of Findings and Recommendations)

An Overview of Canadian Law and Policy Governing Great Lakes Water Quantity Management
December 1985

Jurisdictional Barriers to Environmental Protection in the Great Lakes Basin
May 1985

Implementing the Ecosystem Approach Through Uniformity of Law: Further Explanations of approaches to the problem of jurisdictional diversity in the Great Lakes Ecosystem
May 1985

Pesticides: An Examination of Canadian Law and Policy

Water Quality and Air-borne Toxics: Symbol of Next Generation of Environmental Problems
November 1984

Land Use: The Second Front in the War on Water Pollution