Title: Ontario’s Greenbelt in an International Context
Authors: Maureen Carter-Whitney and Thomas C. Esakin
Date: March 2010
Description: The goal of permanently protecting Ontario’s Greenbelt is central to the vision articulated in the Greenbelt Plan. This report documents the experience of greenbelts around the globe and identifies lessons applicable to ensuring the permanence of Ontario’s Greenbelt, which this year achieves a five-year milestone. This report highlights greenbelts in nine jurisdictions outside of Ontario: London, UK Green Belt; the Netherlands’ Green Heart and Randstad region; the Copenhagen, Denmark Finger Plan; Germany’s Iron Curtain Green Belt; the Frankfurt, Germany Green Belt; the Melbourne, Australia Green Wedges; the Portland, Oregon Urban Growth Boundary; British Columbia’s Agricultural Land Reserve (ALR); and the São Paulo City Green Belt Biosphere Reserve in Brazil.