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Publication Centre:

Archives: Other Environmental Law and Regulation

The following publications are not available electronically. Please contact CELA to view the paper in the CELA library.

Improving Citizen Participation in the Environmental Impact Assessment Process for Mining
January 2004

Selection of Policy Instruments under the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999
February 2001

Submissions by CELA and CIELAP to the Ministry of Northern Development and Mines Regarding Part VII of the Mining Act and the Mine Rehabilitation Code

Environmental Assessment and Mining: A Submission to the Canadian Environmental Assessment Act Five-year Review Process (Brief 1/00)
March 2000

Choice of Policy Instruments for CEPA ‘Toxic’ Substances and Other ‘Substance of Concern’
March 2000

The Environmental Impacts of Recent and Expected Changes in Transportation Patterns in Southern Ontario
March 2000

Environmental Protection Reference Document for Ontario Region January 1994 – May 1999
May 1999

Public Education and Outreach Activities Using the NPRI
May 1999

Submission to the Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade on the Free Trade Area of the Americas
April 1999

Ontario’s Environment and the “Common Sense Revolution” A Fourth Year Report - INTERIM
April 1999

Submission on New Federal Endangerment Species Legislation (Brief 3/99)
February 1999

Federal, Provincial and Subsidiary Initiatives Impacting on the Delivery of Environmental Protection Services in Ontario for the period January 1997 – March 1998

Submission to the Ontario Ministry of Environment Re: EBR Notice RA8E0030 Criteria for the Management of Excess Soil
November 1998

Submission on Bill C-32 the Canadian Environmental Protection Act (Brief 98/4)
October 1998

Notes and Observations on OEDC PRTR Conference Tokyo, Japan September 9-11, 1998
September 1998

Submission to the Ministry of Environment Re: EBR Notice RA8E0023 Draft Waste Management Regulation (Brief 3/98)
September 1998

A Strategic Approach to the Environmental Issues at the Federal level in Canada: A Discussion Paper
July 1998

Ontario's Environment and the "Common Sense Revolution": A Third Year Report
June 1998

Presentation au comite premanent de l’environment et du developpment durable de la Chambre des communes sur le projet de loi C-32 – Loi canadienne sur la protection de l’environment
June 1998

Presentation to the House of Commons standing Committee on Environment and Sustainable Development Regarding Bill C-32 – The Canadian Environmental Protection Act (Brief 98/2)
June 1998

Canadian Environmental Strategy Workshop Proceedings Friends Meeting House, Toronto – 6 June 1998
June 1998

Our Future, Our Health: The Consequences of Inaction
June 1998

Comments on the MoE’s Proposal for Standardized Approval Regulations and Approval Exempting Regulations EBR Registry No. RA8E0008.P (Brief 98/1)
March 1998

Submission to the Ontario Ministry of Environment and Energy Re: EBR Notice RA7E0012.P Amendments to Regulation 347
November 1997

Criteria and Principles for the Use of Voluntary or Non-Regulatory Initiatives (VNRIS) to Achieve Environmental Policy Objectives
November 1997

Towards the Post-‘Revolutionary’ Environment: A New Green Agenda for Ontario
August 1997

Ontario’s Environment and the “Common Sense Revolution” A Second Year Report
July 1997

CSA Environmental Standards Writing: Barriers to Environmental Non-Governmental Organizations Involvement
May 1997

Briefing to the Standing Committee on Resources Development on Bill 107: The Water and Sewerage Services Improvements Act, 1997 (Brief 97/2)
April 1997

Federal, Provincial and Subsidiary Initiatives Impacting on the Delivery of Environmental Protection Services in Ontario for the period January 1996 – March 1997
March 1997

Our Future, Our Health: a statement of concern by environmental organizations in Ontario
March 1997

Breaking the Contract: The Defeat of the Environmental Components of the “Contract With America” and its implications for Ontario
February 1997

Ontario Environmental Strategy Workshop: Thursday, February 20, 1997 at Friends’ House, 60 Lowther Avenue, Toronto, Ontario (Proceedings and Summary)
February 1997

Press Release: Institute Releases Background Study on Changes in the Tax Treatment of Financial Assurances Against Environmental Liability
February 1997

A Review of Environmental Policy in the United States 1992-1996 and its Implications for Ontario
January 1997

Brief to the Standing Committee on Justice and Legal Affairs Regarding Bill C-25, The Regulation Act (Brief 96/12)
November 1996

Harmonizing to Protect the Environment? An Analysis of the CCME Environmental Harmonization Process
November 1996

The Use of Voluntary Programs in Environmental Policy: A Comparative Study of Selected Cases from Canada and the United States
November 1996

New Substances Notification Regulations Part II.1 Organisms Draft CEPA Inspectors Manual
October 1996

Comments Regarding Responsive Environmental Protection: A Consultation Paper (Brief 96/10)
October 1996

Comments Regarding the New Substances Notification Regulations, Part II.1 (Organisms) to be made under the Canadian Environmental Protection Act (CEPA)(Brief 96/8)
October 1996

Brief to the Standing Committee on Resources Development Re: Bill 57: An Act to Improve the Efficiency of the Environmental Approvals Process and certain Other Matters (Brief 96/11)
October 1996

The Ontario Regulation and Policy-Making Process In A Comparative Context: Exploring The Possibilities for Reform
October 1996

Legal and Policy Mechanisms Concerning Genetic Resources in Canada
September 1996

Brief to the Standing Committee on Social Development Re: Bill 76 – The Environmental Assessment and Consultation Improvement Act (Brief 96/6)
August 1996

Potential Accountability Mechanisms Under Multilateral Agreements in the Areas of Inspections and Standards
July 1996

Tax Policy for Environmental Restoration Costs and Financial Assurances for Environmental Restoration
July 1996

Ontario's Environment and the "Common Sense Revolution": A First Year Report
June 1996

The “Common Sense Revolution” and Ontario’s Environment: An Interim Report
April 1996

Implications of Recent Changes in Environmental Laws and Regulations for the Delivery of Environmental Protection Services in Ontario
March 1996

It’s Still About our Health: A Submission on CEPA Review: The Government Response Environmental Protection Legislation Designed for the Future – A Renewed CEPA – A Proposal (CELA Brief No. 283 and CIELAP Brief 96/3)
March 1996

Outline of an Enforcement and Compliance Strategy for the Micro-organism Provision, New Substances Notification Regulations, Canadian Environmental Protection Act
March 1996

APPENDICES: It’s Still About our Health: A Submission on CEPA Review: The Government Response Environmental Protection Legislation Designed for the oposal (CELA Brief No. 283 and CIELAP Brief 96/3)
March 1996

The Environmental Management Framework Agreement – A Model for Dysfunctional Federalism? An Analysis and Commentary (CIELAP Brief 96/1)
February 1996

The Future Role of the Federal Government in the Protection of Canada’s Environment
January 1996

Brief to the Standing Committee on General Government on Bill 26, The Savings and Restructuring Act, 1995 (CIELAP Brief 95/6)
December 1995

Brief to the Standing Committee on Government Operations Regarding Bill C-84, The Regulations Act (Brief 95/4)
December 1995

A Section by Section Legal Analysis of the Proposed Micro-Organism Provisions of the New Substances Notification Regulations
October 1995

Achieving the Holy Grail? A Legal and Political Analysis of Ontario’s Environmental Bill of Rights
July 1995

Environmental Harmony or Environmental Discord? An Analysis of the Draft Environmental Management Framework Agreement and A statement of Principles for the Protection of Canada’s Environment
April 1995

Putting the Environment in Green Industry Strategies: The Role of Environmental Industries in Restructuring for Sustainability
April 1995

The Use of Voluntary Pollution Prevention Agreements in Canada: An Analysis and Commentary
April 1995

The Draft Environmental Management Framework Agreement and Schedules: A commentary and Analysis
March 1995

Reforming the Canadian Environmental Protection Act: A Submission to the Standing Committee on Environment and Sustainable Development

Rate M2 Seasonalization
December 1994

The Canadian Environmental Protection Act: An Agenda for Reform (English and French)
November 1994

Toward a Legal Framework to Regulate Access to Genetic Resources in the Andean Pact
October 1994

The Economic Feasibility Test, The Monthly Contribution Policy, The Rates 1 and 10 Customer Charges and Rate 1 Seasonal Rate Differentials
September 1994

A Legal and Policy Response to the Draft Canadian Biodiversity Strategy
September 1994

Consequences of the Bill 220/90 Amendments to the Environmental Protection Act: Defining Responsible Persons and their Liabilities under Administrative Orders Project 589C
March 1994

CIELAP Environmental Bill of Rights Course
March 1994

Environmental Bill of Rights Course Proceedings
March 1994

Seasonal Volumetric Rate Differentials for Rates 1 and 6
May 1994

Integrated Resource Planning in Canada: The Rationale and the Roadblocks
April 1994

Comments on Environmental Industry Strategy for Canada: Draft Consultation Paper (CIELAP Brief 94/1)
January 1994

First North American Conference on Environmental Law

The Key to Environmental Compliance

Environment on Trial: A Guide to Ontario Environmenal Law and Policy

Environmental Planning and Policy-Making Mechanisms in North America: An Examination of Some Present Mechanisms
October 1993

Presentation to the Standing Committee on General Government Bill 26: An Act Respecting Environmental Rights in Ontario
October 1993

Phase III of the North America Conference on Environmental Law
October 1993

Report on the July Consultations Regarding the CEPA New Substances Notification Regulations for Biotechnology Products
August 1993

Presentation to the Ontario Cabinet Committee on the North American Free Trade Agreement
April 1993

Rate Proposals for Rates 1 and 10
August 1993

Seasonal Delivery Charge Differentials for Rates 1 and 6
July 1993

Commentary on the Virtual Elimination Task Force Draft Final Report
May 1993

Environmental Technology Support Programs in Canada: A Survey
April 1993

Public Interest Criteria for Evaluating Transmission Facility Expansion Projects
March 1993

Comments on the Commission on Planning and Development Reform in Ontario’s Draft Report
February 1993

Commentary on the Proposed Ontario Environmental Bill of Rights

Notes on the Commission on Planning and Development Reform in Ontario’s Proposals for the Reform of the Land Use Planning Process

Regulatory Offences in Canada: Liability & Defences

Misa Regulation for Petroleum Refineries
October 1992

Economic Renewal and the Environment: The Economic Benefits of Environmental Protection (Draft Program Proposal)
September 1992

Consequences of Bill 220 Amendments to the Environmental Protection Act: Defining Responsibility Parties and their Liabilities under Administrative Orders
March 1992

An Act to Amend the Power Act
January 1992

Report of the Workshop on Effective Legislation (November 5-6, 1991)
December 1991

Jurisdictional Review of the Multi-media Approach to Environmental Policy Development
September 1991

The Modern Public Welfare Offence: Liability and Defences
August 1991

Multi-media Approach to Environmental Policy Development - Interim Report
July 1991

Participant Funding: A Discussion Paper
July 1991

Study Proposal for multimedia approach to environmental policy development
April 1991

Response from the Canadian Environmental Law Association (CELA) to the Discussion Paper “Toward Improving the Environmental Assessment Program in Ontario”
April 1991

The Joint Board: The Consolidated Hearings Act, 1981 Reasons for Decision and Decision
December 1990

Selling Consumers’ Gas: Can it be in the Public Interest?
April 1990

Regulatory Framework Synthesis Report: Environmental Audit for East Bayfont and Port Industrial Area
March 1990

Waste Management: The Environmental Protection Act and The Environmental Assessment Act
January 1990

Forestry and Assessment
December 1989

Canadian Electrical Utilities and Carbon Dioxide Emissions: A Legal Framework
November 1989

The Joint Board: The Consolidated Hearings Act, 1981 Reasons for Decision and Decision
November 1989

The Polluting on Lake Ontario: Regulation Efforts on Both Shores
August 1989

Bridging the Gap: A handbook for scientists and journalists on environmental news media reporting
February 1989

Environmental Assessment in Ontario

Workshop and Discussion Paper on the Regulation of Industrial Sewer-use in Ontario (January 25, 1988)
January 1988

Protecting the Great Lakes Basin: A Citizen's Guide to Cross-Border Litigation

Workshop Proceedings: The Canadian Environmental Protection Act
October 1987

Mitigation and Compensation in the Environmental Assessment Process
September 1987

A Critique of Environment Canada’s Draft CEPA Enforcement and Compliance Policy
September 1987

Environmental Assessment in the Private Sector: Panel Discussion Thursday, June 11, 1987
June 1987

Principles for Ecosystem Regulation: A Discussion Paper
January 1987

The International Law of Ecodevelopment: Emerging Norms for Development Assistance Agencies

Self-support: A Business Plan
July 1986

The Ontario Municipal Board and Environmental Protection (Workshop Discussion)
May 1986

The Law of Ecodevelopment: A Canadian Perspective
March 1986

Indonesia-Canada NGO Exchange Program: An Evaluation and Report
February 1986

Development Assistance and International Environmental Law: Emerging Ecodevelopment Norms
February 1986

Compliance with Environmental Legislation
December 1985

Market Assessment Program: Legislation, Compliance and Industrial Waste
December 1985

An Overview of Canadian Law and Policy Governing Great Lakes Water Quantity Management
December 1985

Proposal for a Critical Review of International Standards Development Processes
June 1985

Canada and the World Environment: Environmental Planning and Canadian Official Development Assistance
May 1985

Jurisdictional Barriers to Environmental Protection in the Great Lakes Basin
May 1985

Implementing the Ecosystem Approach Through Uniformity of Law: Further Explanations of approaches to the problem of jurisdictional diversity in the Great Lakes Ecosystem
May 1985

Environmental Assessment of International Development Projects
February 1985

How to Fight for What’s Left of the Environment (A one-day workshop for environmental groups and community legal clinics)
February 1985

Pesticides: An Examination of Canadian Law and Policy

Environmental Mediation: Volume 1: From Theory to Practice; Volume 2: Five Case Studies; Volume 3: Three Case Assessments; Volume 4: Bibliography

The Ecosystem Approach as a Inter-agency Problem Solving: Environmental Protection and Resource Management on the Toronto Waterfront

The Ethos of Environmental Protection
November 1984

Preliminary Analysis of Elements of a Federal Environmental Bill of Rights
June 1984

Radio as a Vehicle for Informed Environmental Commentary - A Feasibility Study
April 1984

Legal Mechanisms for Control of Toxic Contamination in Ontario (First Interim Report, December 1983)
December 1983

Research, Comment and Dialogue: An Examination of Environmental Assessment in Ontario
September 1983

Canadian Environmental Law Repots: Cumulative Index
April 1983

Boardrooms, Backrooms and Backyards: Environmental Regulation-Making in the 80s (1982 CELRF Conference)

Return to Detour Lake: Recommendations Concerning the Environmental Assessment Process
November 1982

A Proposal to the Federal Environmental Assessment and Review Office (FEARO) to Prepare a Study of the Role of Fearo in Early Planning and Detailed Project Environmental Impact Assessment
March 1982

How to fight for What's Right

Toxic Chemicals Control in Canada: An Analysis of Law and Policy
March 1981

Benefits and Burdens: The Economic Impact of Environmental Regulation
February 1981

Preserving Natural Areas in Ontario: Private Ownership and Public Rights

Canadian Wildland Resources: The Role and Management of Wildlands as a Natural Resource

Environment on Trial: A Handbook of Ontario Environmental Law

Economic and Legal Enforcement Mechanisms
October 1977

Environmental Management and Public Participation

Environment on Trial: A Citizen's Guide to Ontario Environmental Law

Citizens Participate: An Action Guide for Public Issues
September 1974

Public Rights and Environmental Planning
January 1972

The Need for Public Participation in Ontario's Environmental Planning
December 1971