Partnering for Sustainability – Success Stories
Clean Air Strategic Alliance (CASA)
The Clean Air Strategic Alliance (CASA) is a not-for-profit consensus-based association of senior representatives from government, industry and non-government organizations (including health and environmental groups) who have committed to developing and applying a comprehensive air quality management system for Alberta.
CASA has a board of directors, committees, and project teams. All bodies have full representation from each sector (government, industry, and non-government organizations) and use a consensus-based process to make decisions and recommendations. All decisions, at all levels, are made by consensus, meaning that all those who have a stake in the outcome aim to reach agreement on actions and outcomes that resolve or advance issues related to environmental, social, and economic sustainability.
CASA members are accountable to their project teams for contributing to the completion of projects, and project teams are accountable to the membership as a whole for achieving goals.
Members provide cash and in-kind contributions. 41% of funding comes from government, 31% from NGOs and 28% from industry.
Overall CASA has achieved a 25% provincial reduction in gas flaring, produced many reports and publications, undertaken monitoring of air quality in Alberta, and implemented the ClimateWise program which has informed many citizens about climate change and how to reduce their impact.
CASA’s project teams include or have included: the Ambient monitoring - strategic planning working group and project teams for: Indoor air quality; Confined feeding operations; Electricity efficiency and conservation; and Renewable and alternative energy.
CASA's implementation planning teams include or have included: the Ambient monitoring – operations steering committee; the Human and animal health team; the Particulate matter and ozone implementation team; and the Vehicle emissions team.
Read a Partnership Success Story from an industry perspective
Read a Partnership Success Story from a government perspective
Visit the CASA website to learn more about their work
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