Publication Centre




En Français



Green Screens- Toxic Trespass

Green Screens partners films from the National Film Board with experts and panellists from the Canadian Institute for Environmental Law and Policy.

Our ninth screening will feature Toxic Trespass (2007) which launches an investigation into the detrimental effects of the chemical soup around us. Journeying into toxic nightmares all too common in industrialized countries, filmmaker Barri Cohen meets passionate activists working for positive change, along with doctors and scientists who see evidence of links between environmental pollution and health problems. Cohen also learns just how quickly barriers can go up when anyone tries to ask questions about the connection between toxins and serious health problems.

Following the film a panel discussion on waste management will be coordinated by CIELAP.

When: Monday, April 21 2008, 7PM

Where: NFB Mediatheque, 150 John St (at Richmond St W), Toronto (Osgoode subway station)


For More Information: 416-973-3012 or visit the NFB website