Green Screens: Earth to Mouth
Green Screens partners films from the National Film Board with experts and panellists from the Canadian Institute for Environmental Law and Policy.
Shot over the course of an entire season, Earth to Mouth is an exquisitely filmed, meditative look at life on Wing Fong Farm, an 80 acre plot of land an hour and a half east of Toronto. Here Lau King-Fai (known simply as Ma) has come to join her son and spend the rest of her days growing succulent Asian vegetables. For Yeung Kwan, Ma's son, the farm represents personal and financial independence. For Ma, it is an oasis of peace. For the half-dozen Mexican workers, it provides jobs that may be tough, but help support their children back home. Each in their own way, they endure the rigours of farming and savour their moments of peace.
Following the screening Tracy Phillippi, Acting Chair of the Toronto Youth Food Policy Council, will be leading a Q&A discussion.
When: Wednesday, November 4 2009, 7PM
Where: NFB Mediatheque, 150 John St (at Richmond St W), Toronto (Osgoode subway station)
For More Information: 416-973-3012 or visit the NFB website