Green Screens: Crapshoots- The Gamble With Our Wastes
Green Screens partners films from the National Film Board with experts and panellists from the Canadian Institute for Environmental Law and Policy.
Our sixth screening will feature Crapshoots- The Gamble With Our Wastes: Filmed in Italy, Sweden, India, the United States and Canada, Jeff McKay's bold documentary questions whether the sewer is actually compounding our waste problems. While scientists warn of links between sewage practices and potential health risks, activists, engineers and concerned citizens challenge our fundamental attitudes to waste. Does our need to dispose of waste take precedence over public safety? What are the alternatives?
Following the film a panel discussion on waste management will be coordinated by CIELAP.
When: Monday, January 21 2008, 7PM
Where: NFB Mediatheque, 150 John St (at Richmond St W), Toronto (Osgoode subway station)
For More Information: 416-973-3012 or visit the NFB website