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Green Screens: Arctic Circle - Battle for the Pole

Climate change is hitting the Arctic harder and faster than any other region on Earth. Although the North may seem remote from the population centres of the world, this is where the impact of human activity – sensitive ecosystems forever altered by climate change – is felt the most.

The Arctic Circle: Battle for the Pole introduces us to some of the people racing to pump oil and gas from beneath the Arctic seabed. For the engineers constructing ice-breaking tankers and the crew on the world's northernmost oil rig, this race is all about excitement, opportunity and new frontiers.

Join us after the screening for a panel discussion with Dr. Peter J. Ewins, Senior Officer, Species Conservation, WWF-Canada.

When: Wednesday, April 7 2010, 7PM

Where: NFB Mediatheque, 150 John St (at Richmond St W), Toronto (Osgoode subway station)

For More Information: 416-973-3012 or visit the NFB website

Thank you to the RBC Blue Water Project for their support for Green Screens.