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Green Screens Presents Up the Yangtze


Green Screens: Up the Yangtze

Green Screens partners films from the National Film Board with experts and panellists from the Canadian Institute for Environmental Law and Policy.

Up the Yangtze

Up the Yangtze is a dramatic feature documentary film on life inside modern China. A luxury cruise boat motors up the Yangtze – navigating the mythic waterway known in China simply as "The River." The Yangtze is about to be transformed by the biggest hydroelectric dam in history. The Three Gorges Dam – contested symbol of the Chinese economic miracle – provides the epic backdrop for this award-winning film about a family displaced by radical environmental and economic change.

When: Wednesday December 1st, 7PM

Where: NFB Mediatheque, 150 John St (at Richmond St W), Toronto (Osgoode subway station)

For More Information: Visit the NFB website

Thank you to the RBC Blue Water Project for their support for Green Screens.